Monday 10 February 2014

Shirin Neshrat. ' Unveiling Series', 1993.

Had a tutorial with Ellen Nolan, and as usual, she gave me great examples of the work I could look into. I had my idea, however she helped me to develop it further. She has suggested me to work on the text and perhaps use my grandparents photographs too, which I will upload as well. But later about that.

Following from the idea of writing over a photograph, she has suggested me to look at Iranian artists' work who did something similar. Here are some of her works.

Being Muslim,  it obviously changes the connotations. Looking at this image, the viewer immediately associates the photograph with the religion and suddenly there is the meaning. To me, not understanding the actual text, I would imagine the writing to be about how this woman is forced into her religion. How she has to wear certain clothes and there is so much more underneath it. Maybe she doesn't have the word in her family, maybe she is 'just' a woman, in a religious Muslims' views. I am not criticizing anything.

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