Monday 10 February 2014

My Grandparents

As mentioned earlier, there are the old photographs of myself and my grandparents. One with a granddad and one with a grandma. Kind of the same series as the one where I am on my own. At the beginning I did not know how to engage them to this project, I looked at it, I had it in my picture, I scanned it to my computer but I could not put a hand on it. I could not change them. In any way. I could not cut them up into pieces or write over, I just could not possibly do that. It nearly felt so wrong when I wanted to do something with them, I haven't got the words to express the feeling. Even it if is just a copy, it doesn't matter, I could not do it.

So during the tutorial, I tried to find the reason. Because there has to be one. Every single detail has to have the meaning.

And the meaning was, that actually, my grandparents mean so much to me that I can not change, I don't want to change anything that is seen in these photographs.

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