Tuesday 25 February 2014

John Hilliard

John Hilliard, English conceptual artist, who has started his career creating sculptures, later found himself photographing his sculptures a lot and moved to the world of photography. Not concentrating too much on the biography I will rather look into the artists' work that has inspired me to carry on with the image cropping. Images below sows Hilliards' Cause of Death project from 1974. He experimented with the ways of cropping the same image and how can this completely change the meaning. 'Crushed, Drowned, Burned and Fell' are the only anchors directing the viewer to the intended meaning. This is often seen in the media, magazines and newspapers, paparazzi taken and cropped images, a few words in addition and boom, sensation!

Cause of Death, 1974

Considering John Hilliards' practice, I am experimenting similarly using the same image with a different crop. So far I looked at cropping an image into 5-6 different pieces, each becoming an individual, differently to Hilliards' practice in Cause of Death where he includes the same object in each image. I intend to experiment this particular way of cropping as well, but my current interest is to add the text next to the same image and see how it changes the meaning.

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