Thursday 27 February 2014

Amazing Ideas

Today, I had another great conversation with a tutor and other students. As always ideas were shared and advices given. Looking back to my project I have many great ideas to be developed and realized.

The first, digital version, a cropped image of myself will be fulfilled with sliced images of myself and my grandparents. I hope to have a slideshow of around 15 cropped images combined with the text. It will perhaps become a fragmented narrative, having the text coming from my feelings to my grandparents as mentioned before. I have experimented some in my sketchbook, looking at John Hilliard I decided to use the same image for different meanings, which has become successful I believe. In addition to the text an image becomes an individual, and is read differently each time. As an observation I found that it is usually used in scandalous media, to create a sensation.

I have considered different options for the printed version. My first thoughts were to reveal these cropped images of my digital version, printed large, combined together with a linear text next to it. I imagined it to be printed A3-A2 with the text on the side, both on the wall. However, I had a concern, about poor quality old images being enlarged that much, as it might become pix-elated. Therefore, after having a discussion with my peers, we have decided that actually it is not that important, and differently than expected it might add to it. Of course images are old, so why hide it?

As mentioned before, I was fine writing over an image of myself, however, I could not physically do that with the images of my grandparents. It's an unexplained fear that has raised, and I'm still finding a reason. Perhaps I just love them too much.  Therefore I had great suggestions, and what I will do next is that I will have my grandparents writing over those images. It is not that easy as it looks, as I would need to post them across the Europe all the way to Lithuania. In addition, it will of course be written in Lithuanian, so it might not appeal all possible audiences. But I don't see the problem, it will have the spirit, and this is what will make it beautiful. I am excited with my next task, and I am sending it tomorrow.

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