Tuesday 21 January 2014

Writing blog is useful

I found, it is very useful to actually write this blog. It helps me construct my ideas, and every time I write I feel more confident about what am I doing here. I have been thinking about many themes, but this morning I came up with something exciting, and I would like to try it.

I like story telling. I like romanticizing. All it usually takes to me is - write a first sentence, and my thoughts flow as a river. Yesterday I thought I should try and do something Raymond Queneau did in his 'Exercises in Style' - write the same text in different styles. Of course, I didn't rewrite it 99 times, however I did 5 and I'm proud of it! I told a story about a little girl, her love to flowers, sunrises and sunsets, and I left it open ended saying 'one day she grew up, one day she met a man...' I leaves this kind of excitement and freedom of imagination to the reader. I also started very conventionally 'once upon a time'. Then I rewrote the text as a poem, diary, mathematical etc. And it is entertaining, I am interested myself, to see what will happen next to that little girl.

So from these first attempts, it develops further. I keep reminding to myself that it actually is a photography project and I can not get totally immersed into writing. Then I saw the photographs of myself, really old ones, 20 years old, black and white hanging on my wall. And I thought, I should use them! There she is a little girl in that photograph, wanting to tell a story.

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