Friday 10 January 2014

First thoughts

I am currently working on my Photography NARRATIVE project- the title itself says a lot. This is a project where I need to tell a story, create two significantly different narratives in different mediums.

My very first thoughts developed while listening to an old Lithuanian song about a nut, the one that grows on a tree. The lyrics are all about this little growing beautiful nut, it's actually a man singing TO a nut about its beauty, the man is encouraging this nut grow slower, the man tells the nut how beautiful it is, he talks about the beauty he as never seen, he mostly wants to freeze a moment of this nut growing and admire forever. Unfortunately the STORY of a nut should keep developing, it can not stop, and there are so many ways to tell that story... Thanks for inspiration!
So to follow on the same track; I am a lover of a nature, I love watching, photographing, filming - birds, flowers, rain, water, forests etc. I think that nature is amazing in any possible way. So I thought, if you can really tell a story about anything then that's great! I might tell a story about a fallen leaf, or a paper cup, or a nail grow, and I will try to do that.
So far, I think I will combine photography and the text, but how, where and what, I'm not sure. Will keep working on it.

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