Tuesday 21 January 2014


So my head is full of ideas, and I really need to write them down, as I usually come up with a great idea in a place where I have no chance to write it down, then it just goes and I can not sleep at night trying to remember it...

Anyways, I've been reading different books, researching and analyzing other peoples' works , talking to my friends, presenting my ideas, trying to find something better than good. I thought of simple things, such as photographing for instance my friends eye randomly when on different activity. I would expect to see red eyes in the evening, sleepy in the morning, tired when reading, enlarged pupil when excited and so on and on and on. But then I thought, who will be interested in it? Maybe it's just me?

I found myself thinking too much about what will others think. I believe it is important of making something appealing audiences, however I understand it is not as important for this project. It is all about experimenting, and I might actually try to do that!

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