Monday 17 March 2014

Images sent to Lithuania !

So as promised, the photographs were sent to my grandparents in Lithuania. I printed 3 copies of each photograph (myself and my grandad and myself and my grandma) A4, just in case they would like to express their creativity further.

I spoke to them a few days ago, and they just feel slightly confused of what should they do. It's hard to explain what this is about, as I told they they can do whatever they want with those images. They can write all over it, they can write in certain bits, in straight line, or different shapes, and they can write about whatever they want. I didn't want to give them any directions, so it would be their choice of anything they do, full of their spirit.

Considering that it will be written in Lithuanian rather than English, it will probably appeal just me, as others wouldn't be able to understand. I thought about have a translation somewhere near to the images, or a title, so people could understand what this is about. Therefore, I don't think it is a big problem, as it is art, and it's about the feel of it as much.

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