Wednesday 2 April 2014


After long considerations, I have decided to make a book. As it was a kind of a last minute decision, I went straight to the book binding room where I found R. Nash. An absolutely amazing person, gave me some valuable tips, and said, that it is still possible to realize my idea of printing a book. All I had to do is to buy an appropriate paper and stitching materials. Richard suggested me the Shepherds in London, however, I managed to save a journey, ans found some great paper and other needed materials in a local art shop.

As soon as I got back home, I watched all possible tutorials on working with Adobe InDesign, and downloaded a free trial version to experiment working with it. Did not seem to be very difficult, so I felt quite confident with it. Prepared my text and images and, and came back to him next week.

Spend a day adjusting settings and file, converted into a PDF and printed my book! I found it as a great and addictive experience, with a real intention to create some more in the near future. I actually expected the binding to take the huge amount of time, however, I was surprised  a it only took me about ten minutes, and voila, there is my first book !

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