Thursday 5 March 2015

Triathlon at Sands Beach Resort today

Triathlon at Sands Beach Resort today

Axis Raisa HAS Introduced in her previous post - my name is Rena, I am a journalism intern, and this is my first blog post on triathlon That firing place at Sands Beach Resort today!

This is my very first day taking photographs at the Sands Beach Resort triathlon.Lovely weather, clear blue sky, warm sunshine and refreshing winds payback from me and athletes enjoy the day. It looks like it's a perfect climate for sports, the wind is a natural air-con!
Sunglasses on, camera out, and I'm ready waiting for the athletes to start running.Intense moods but entertaining environment really works well together as a combination.

It was such a great experience to -improvesleep my photography skills! The weather is beautiful, so it's easy to get gorgeous views without much effort.

My main purpose was to get the emotion of the athlete. If you look into Their faces, you find so much going on. Red cheeks, healthy look, sweaty skin, facial expressions are simply amazing. Someone's tired, someone's full of energy and someone's in a really good mood.

It feels amazing When an athlete runs fit for the fifth time, and you can only imagine how much his muscles must be killing him, and you can only guess how high is his heart rate, and you have no idea how hard it is to perform three sports, so intently one after the other. But the main point is - he is smiling, he is happy, he loves what he does, he loves running in the sun, he loves sweating it out, he loves his body and so his world around him. 
The capture of the very present, very touching and it really Brings in so much motivation.
Despite my standard lens, I managed to seizure the emotion, but I really wish I had a better zoom lens. The close-ups, portraits of the athlete faces would be stunning!

The Active team by the swimming pool are there for the athletes. Together with the sunshine and up-beat music emotionally They Are Encouraging and supportive. I'm trying to capture each moment, but so much is going on. It is another good exercise for me to develop my skills further. Better and quicker reaction, faster pace, awareness and action plays the main role. I'm simply loving it. I feel my personality growing along with it.